on the edge

computers & technology, books & writing, civilisation & society, cars & stuff

Greg Black

gjb at gbch dot net
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Worthy organisations

Amnesty International Australia — global defenders of human rights

global defenders of human rights

Médecins Sans Frontières — help us save lives around the world

Médecins Sans Frontières - help us save lives around the world

Electronic Frontiers Australia — protecting and promoting on-line civil liberties in Australia

Electronic Frontiers Australia


(Coming soon…)


(Coming soon…)


(Coming soon…)

Software resources

GNU Emacs


The FreeBSD Project

Mon, 21 Mar 2005

Bride and Prejudice

We usually manage to go to the movies at quiet times, but today’s effort in the middle of a Monday afternoon was our biggest success—we were the only people in the cinema. Bride and Prejudice was pretty much what we expected—an amusing and quite well made piece of entertainment. I’m not sure how well it would work for an audience unfamiliar with the Jane Austen original, but we know it well and were very well entertained by the way they re-told the old story in modern India, Britain and the USA. Nothing here that will change your life, but good fun.