on the edge
computers & technology, books & writing, civilisation & society, cars & stuff
Greg Blackgjb at gbch dot net If you’re not living life on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.
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Fri, 24 Mar 2006Full feed without the seemore pluginSomewhat to my surprise, some people don’t want to be saved from having to see the full text of my posts in their RSS feed by the graces of the seemore plugin. So, to help out, I’ve now set things up so that Blosxom generates two sets of static pages, one of which has the full content of each post in both the HTML output and the RSS feed.
To access the full content, add full/ to every existing URL as in this example for the main feed: http://www.gbch.net/gjb/blog/full/index.rss I might get around to adding that to the links in the sidebar, but that will have to wait until I’m next playing with that stuff. Finally, apologies to people who wondered why the first three posts which used the seemore plugin reappeared as new today—to accommodate this full feed thing, I had to slightly edit those posts and forgot to save their original dates.